Build Your Business With Confidence

Architects & Engineers

Architectural and engineering firms providing expert services face complex professional liability exposures that could significantly impact their firm’s bottom line without the right insurance program in place. Mistakes, oversights, failure to deliver promised services and accusations of negligence that result in financial damage claims by a client could land you in court.

Additionally, architects and engineers are continually confronting new risks as a result of broadened contractual requirements, new technologies, increasing emphasis on sustainability, and more.

MGRA provides a portfolio of coverages to address the individual risk profile of architects and engineers, including Professional Liability, or as it’s also known, Errors & Omissions (E&O) insurance.

How Professional Liability Insurance Works

Professional Liability insurance provides coverage for personal injury, defense costs, professional negligence and claims against past-rendered services. We’ll tailor your policy limits and deductibles to fit your needs. We also offer features such as project-specific coverage and an extended reporting form.

Along with our top-tier carriers with which we partner we offer risk management services such as contract review services and pre-claims assistance.

Clients We Insure

Additional Insurance Coverages for Architects & Engineers

MGRA provides a number of other key insurance policies that architects and engineers require to protect against other business risks including:

You can rely on our expertise to secure the right policies for your firm.


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