Protection For The Life You Live

Personal Lines

Many of our business clients turn to us for their personal insurance needs, knowing they will get the same level of quality expertise, coverage and service in protecting their personal assets and property as they do on the commercial side. At MGRA our approach is to truly understand the personal risks you face, knowing that one unfortunate liability event or property loss can affect you personally as well as your business.

Auto Insurance

We will secure Automobile insurance that is the right fit for your needs. You may own a couple of vehicles or a personal fleet that includes a classic car or two. You may have teenagers in the household or perhaps you have a motorcycle. Whatever the case, we will put together the right personal Auto coverage to protect your assets and vehicles in the event of an accident or loss.

We will look at the limits you need and what deductibles for theft, comprehensive and collision make sense for you. In addition, we’ll discuss the need to extend your primary limits with Personal Umbrella/Excess Liability insurance so that if there is a catastrophic accident with serious injuries, you are adequately insured. With today’s massive verdicts in the multi-millions, protecting your assets is critical.

Home Insurance

Your home is your haven – we get that. Providing you with peace-of-mind protection in the event of property damage or an accident on your premises is our focus. This means properly covering your home and contents for Replacement Cost value so you can rebuild at today’s cost. For high-value luxury homes, we can often also secure Guaranteed Replacement Cost to rebuild your home with like, kind and quality materials, even when the actual cost to do so exceeds your coverage limits.

In addition, several of our insurer partners provide risk prevention services for high-net-worth clientele, including for wildfires and flooding.


As a condo owner you need a special policy to insure your property from the unit’s walls inward and cover your liability for claims of bodily injury or property damage. A Condo policy insures your personal belongings, such as furniture, window treatments and clothing. It can be enhanced to include high-value items such as jewelry, wine collections, or art. Upgraded appliances and cabinetry may also be insurable. It can also pay for alternative living arrangements if your unit is uninhabitable after a covered loss. The liability portion of your policy will help pay for your legal defense and monetary settlements or judgments against you in a claim involving bodily injury or property damage against you. Some insurers also offer coverage for your financial responsibility in a loss-assessment against unit holders if the condo association is found liable for a claim that exceeds its limits of insurance.

We also insure many tenants with a Renters insurance policy. This covers your personal property such as furniture, clothing, and other personal possessions against physical damage.

The liability portion of a Renters insurance policy will help with your legal defense bills and any settlements or awards that you have to pay, according to the limits of your policy.

Personal Umbrella Insurance

With significant assets at stake, we can provide you with additional Liability insurance to step in when the primary limits under your Auto or Homeowners insurance are exhausted. This is particularly critical for anyone, especially business owners, who have significant assets personally and in their firm. Umbrella policies are available from $1 million up to $100 million.

Your primary policies only provide you up to a certain amount of Liability insurance. This is why Umbrella insurance is so important. One serious accident or a slip and fall in the house that causes a significant injury to a guest could upend your financial stability.

Flood Insurance

It’s important to stress that Homeowners insurance does not cover losses from flooding. You need separate Flood insurance. We can provide you with a basic Flood insurance policy through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to cover direct physical damage to your property up to $250,000, along with additional coverage up to $100,000 to cover your personal contents. Flood damage can happen anywhere, not only in high-hazard areas, but unfortunately, many homeowners don’t purchase coverage. It should be a part of your comprehensive insurance program.

There are also Excess Flood insurance policies available for high-value homes and their contents. An Excess policy may also pay for living expenses away from home while the damaged structure is repaired.

Fine Arts/Collectibles Insurance

Standard Homeowners insurance provides a limited amount for fine arts and collectibles such as jewelry. Whether you have a curated art or wine collection or a few pieces of precious family heirlooms, we can provide you with customized protection. You can either opt to schedule each item with known values or purchase blanket coverage for a wider collection of lower-value items. Protection typically applies worldwide.

Adding high-value items under a personal articles floater gives you better coverage in case they are the only items affected by a loss. For example, thieves may focus only on such expensive property, so there would be no broad contents coverage for them as you might find in the event of a whole-house fire. By listing the exact items and their appraised value, you will be able to recoup losses that affect just those things.


Classic Car Insurance

As a car enthusiast or collector, in order to protect your prized possession you need specifically designed coverage in the form of Classic Car insurance. You can opt to buy Guaranteed Value coverage, which will pay the full-insured amount, less the deductible, for a covered total loss. In the event of an accident, you can choose who will do the repair work on your vehicle. Other options include roadside assistance, auto show medical reimbursement, and coverage for spare parts.

What type of vehicles need special insurance? These include: antique and classic cars, usually at least 25 to 30 years old; hotrods and modified vehicles; exotic and luxury autos; muscle cars; and classic trucks.


RV Insurance

A Recreational Vehicle insurance policy offers coverage wherever your RV goes—be that the open road, your home, a campsite or another location in the U.S. Both Property and Liability insurance are covered with a RV policy. Property coverage can apply to your contents, emergency expenses you encounter while traveling, your hitch package, awnings, and more.

You can also opt for a replacement RV if yours is involved in a total loss. You are covered for many perils, including fire, theft, collision, vandalism, and animal destruction, among others. You will also receive coverage under your Liability policy for legal defense costs and monetary settlements or awards if you are alleged to be responsible for injuries to someone or damage to their property.

MGRA will help you find affordable coverage no matter the age of your RV. We have policies for many classes and styles, including motor homes and towed trailers. We can also show you opportunities for discounts, which can be affected by garage time, multi-policy discounts and deductibles.


Life Insurance

We can provide you with a Life insurance policy that meets your needs. Term Life is a straight insurance policy with no investment component. You’re buying coverage that lasts for a set period of time provided you pay the monthly premium. Whole Life combines permanent Life coverage with an investment fund. You’re buying a policy that pays a stated, fixed amount on your death, and part of your premium goes toward building cash value from investments made by the insurance company. Cash value builds tax-deferred each year that you keep the policy, and you can borrow against the cash accumulation fund without being taxed. The amount you pay usually doesn’t change throughout the life of the policy.

Private Office Insurance

Creating a private office to manage investments, trusts, household staff, property, legal matters, philanthropic ventures, succession planning and more comes with high-stakes liability risks. All directors, officers and professionals working for family offices are at high risk of being sued for everything from professional negligence to mismanagement of funds and employment discrimination. We can help design a customized program to protect the wealth and assets of your private office and the individual who services it.


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